A Totally Silly, Not at All Serious List of What Food Trends Are In and Out in 2024

We have opinions—a lot of them!

Collage of stickers and crossed out words

Serious Eats

Serious Eats may not have a crystal ball to see into the future, but you know what we do have? Opinions, and a lot of them. So naturally, as this time of year on the internet begets, we reflected on the food trends we witnessed not just online, but in restaurants, grocery stores, and even our besties' kitchens. We’re certainly not the first to put together a list of what’s “in” and what’s “out” for the coming year, but we thought we’d give it a shot. Below, find a totally silly, not at all serious* list of what food trends the SE staff predicts will be “in” and “out” in 2024.

* Well, maybe some of them are at least half serious.

Out In
Girl Dinner Not gendering our eating
Artificial Flavors Artificially intelligent flavors
Wacky martinis (lookin' at you, burrata and pasta water martinis!) Snacky martinis (drink the classic, keep the snacks on the side)
Martini and tinned fish

Serious Eats

Out In
Paleo Neolithic
The Cavendish banana A distinct longing for naturally occurring H1 hybrid varieties of bananas that are only found in wild tropical climates
Ravioli sheets Ravioli roll-ups
Spending two days filming a 14-step espresso shot-pulling process for a social media reel Drinking espresso
Pricey tinned sardines Inexpensive tinned sardines: they're just as good, minus the artsy packaging
Thinking daily about the Roman Empire Thinking daily about Roman pasta
Two stickers of pasta and espresso

Serious Eats

Out In
Alternative milks Emoooooo milks
Baked feta Literally anything else. This is so dead. Let it die.
Intermittent fasting Burrito naps
Picklebacks Just straight chugging distilled vinegar from a gallon jug
Describing someone as "tender" Describing someone as "crunchy"
Espresso martinis Espresso martinis
Tiny plates of crudo Eating a whole raw fish like the sharks we are
Clickbait Click this link to find out
Two sticker graphics

Serious Eats